Anthony Joshua’s new trainer advises him to move to US for training if..

Anthony Joshua’s new trainer Robert Garcia has told the boxer that their continued working together will depend on the decision and adjustments he makes to his training routine.

Garcia said Joshua will have to leave the UK to train with him in America with other ‘champion’ fighters if they are to continue working together.

The two did not get off to a winning start after losing the Oleksandr Usyk rematch on August 20, with Joshua now plotting his comeback in the heavyweight division.

For the Usyk fight, Garcia flew to the UK and spent time away from his home to accommodate Joshua due to the short time they had before the fight.

“I told Anthony and all his team that, for me, the best way to keep working together is if Anthony comes to train in my gym in California eight weeks before a fight”, García told IZQUIERDAZO.

“From six to eight weeks, that’s all I need for a good camp.

“I told Anthony, ‘I need you to be around more fighters, more champions. I want you to have more fighters for competition, even if they are from the same gym, but you have to compete.’ I told him, ‘You have to want to be better than them, and they will want to be better than you. It will work for all of you.’

Garcia added, “That is what is missing in his gym, the fighters to be competing against each other, where they don’t want the other fighter to do more than you. He needs a place with other world champions around. Anthony has always been alone in his camps, he didn’t have other fighters to train with. He needs to be in a cheerful environment, to interact with other fighters, other sparring partners. I think that would help him a lot.”