APC states chairmen rally support for Ganduje

Chairman of All Progressives Congress in state chapters under the Forum of State Chairmen have pledged loyalty to the national chairman of the party, Abdullahi Ganduje.

The state chairmen visited the party’s national secretariat on a solidarity visit to Ganduje on Tuesday.

The former Kano state governor was suspended last week by his ward executive, Ganduje Ward, Dawaki Tofa Local Government Area of Kano State.

An order restraining Ganduje from parading himself as national chairman of the party had since been vacated by the same Kano High Court of Justice Usman Malam Na’abba.

Chairman of the Lagos APC chapter and acting chairman of the Forum, Cornelius Ojelabi, dismissed those behind the purported suspension as imposters whom he noted did not mean well for the party.

He said: “We are here on a mission to let you know that you are the captain of the ship. With me here are also your foot soldiers in the 36 states and FCT.

“We are here to show our solidarity and sincere commitment to appreciate what NWC has been doing for the party. We will give you our total support.

“You have started a journey on restructuring and expanding our party. We are pretty sure you are on course. From what we are seeing, those behind the plot against you are not even members of our party. So they cannot be allowed to derail our party.”

Ganduje in his response restated his allegation that the Kano State Governor, Abba Yusuf, orchestrated the plot to remove him as national chairman of the APC.

He said: “The government in Kano state is behind this drama. This is one kind of drama we call Africa magic which is not leading democracy anywhere. This is a new negative development whereby members belonging to a different political party, not even elected Exco members, are posing themselves as APC members and taking resolutions that could affects the nation. This is not acceptable.”



Tribune Online