Appeal Court’s affirmation of Lalong, four others good omen for democracy — Plateau APC

All Progressive Congress (APC) in Plateau State has described the victory of Minister of Labour and Employment, Simon Lalong, and four others at the Court of Appeal as good omen for democracy and a confirmation that Nigeria’s Courts remain the only avenues of obtaining justice in electoral disputes.

In a statement signed by its State Publicity Secretary, Hon. Sylvanus Namang, the APC in Plateau State commended the Appeal Court panel for being firm, steadfast and unshaken in holding to the tenets of their professional callings in the temple of justice.

The APC stated that the judges refused to yield to the social media onslaught, blackmail and intimidation by the PDP in Plateau state which took their loss at the Appeal Courts to very ridiculous and totally unacceptable levels.

“As we await the results of our appeals in respect of the House of Assembly seats where we expect to  have an overwhelming majority and the big one, our water tight Gubernatorial Appeal where we expect to take back full control of the state at the highest level of governance, we advise the Plateau State PDP to accept its loss in good faith in the spirit of sportsmanship.

“On our part, the APC would be magnanimous in victory and would always be guided by the wishes of the entire Plateau citizens as there is no Victor no vanquished as demonstrated by the ailing PDP in the state.”

It also congratulated Hon. Fom Dalyop who was affirmed member reprenting Barkin Ladi /Riyom Federal Constituency and Hon. Ajang Iliya who was affirmed as Member Representing Jos South/ Jos East Federal Constituency.



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