Base World launches distribution division

Base World, a pioneering name in the music industry for over a decade, proudly announces the launch of its new distribution division under it’s operations. This strategic move aims to help artists expand their reach and connect with a broader audience, marking a significant milestone in Base World’s ongoing commitment to fostering talent and innovation in the music landscape.

For more than ten years, Base World has been a cornerstone of the music industry, renowned for its dedication to nurturing artists, implementing effective PR solutions, excelling in music marketing, talent bookings, and providing exceptional A&R services. With a rich history of success and a deep understanding of the evolving music market, Base World is perfectly positioned to venture into music distribution, providing artists with the tools and platforms they need to succeed.

The newly launched division will focus on providing comprehensive services to artists, ensuring their music reaches the right audience through multiple channels. From digital streaming platforms to physical distribution, the company aims to cover all bases, offering tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of each artist. Key Services Offered includes Digital Distribution, Physical Distribution, Marketing and Promotion as well as Data Analytics.

“We are incredibly excited to launch our distribution company,” said Princess Base, Founder at Base World. “This venture is a natural extension of our mission to support and uplift talented artists. By offering top-notch distribution services, we aim to break down barriers and open up new opportunities for musicians to thrive in the industry.”

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