Bauchi Emir visits markets, appeals to traders over rising prices of commodities 

Traders in Bauchi State, especially those in the business of selling foodstuffs, have been urged not to make things difficult for the poor masses considering the economic situation of the country.

The appeal was made by the Emir of Bauchi, Dr Rilwanu Suleiman Adamu, when he went round some of the markets in Bauchi metropolis to assess the price situations.

The Emir, who is the Chairman, Bauchi State Council of Traditional Rulers, said that with the economic situation, the poor masses are finding it difficult to live in terms of purchasing food items for the family.

Rilwanu Adamu therefore appealed to the traders to make do with little gains in order to make the items affordable to the masses, stressing that too much gain on items especially food items is not Godly.

The monarch, who appreciated the stress the traders undergo to get the items to the markets considering the cost of transportation due to removal of fuel subsidy, advised that they should see how they can make the prices within the reach of the common man without them incurring losses.

At the meat sellers wing of the market, the Emir called on them to observe all hygiene practices in order to ensure that people get to buy healthy meat for consumption in order to reduce risks of diseases that are associated with beef eating.

Some of the traders commended the Emir for taking the initiative to go round the markets to see things for himself, saying that it is a demonstration of good leadership qualities.

They assured that in spite of the economic situation, they will not hike the prices in order to ensure that the poor masses are able to afford the items with little or no stress at all.

They told the Emir that they will continue to be law-abiding and good subjects of the Emirate and will appreciate his royal assessment visit from time to time.



Tribune Online