Borno Bomb Attack: Horrendous act, evil works of enemies — CUPP

Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) has condemned in strongest terms the bombing that took place at Gwoza, Borno State over the weekend leading to multiple fatalities, describing the sad occurrence as the “horrendous and evil works of formidable enemies who take advantage of government’s lack of proactive actions to wreck havocs on innocent Nigerians.”

CUPP said this in its reaction, contained in a statement signed by its National Spokesperson, Comrade Mark Adebayo, noting sadly that the horrendous act occured because it had become clear, over the years, that the war against terror had been compromised by all those involved in dealing with the menace with the government having no answers to the challenges posed by the terrorists that had been ravaging many parts of the country.

According to the the coalition, the war efforts surrounded by what it described as a corrupt enterprise and the absence of creative ideas on the part of the government and the consistent failure of intelligence have all contributed significantly to the strengthening of the various terrorist groups terrorizing the country for about two decades now.

“It is with a deep sense of grief that we received the news of the suicide bombings in Gwoza, Borno State, that led to multiple fatalities. This is the horrendous and evil works of formidable enemies of humanity who take advantage of the government’s lack of proactive actions and ineffective intelligence to wreak consistent havoc on innocent citizens.

“Over the years, it has become clear that the war against terror has been compromised by all those involved in dealing with the menace with the government having no answers to the challenges posed by the terrorists that have been ravaging many parts of the country.

“The corruption enterprise surrounding the war efforts and absence of creative ideas on the part of government and the consistent failure of intelligence has contributed significantly to strengthening of the various terrorist groups terrorizing the country for about two decades now,” Comrade Adebayo said.

Adebayo, however, commiserated with the people of Borno State, and in particular the people of Gwoza, over this terrible tragedy and pray that God grant them a quick healing process, but quickly pointed out that the Federal Government had once again, come out with what it termed “empty assurances for the people boasting that it would fish out and punish perpetrators of the crimes.”

He affirmed that as it had been the tradition, nothing would come out of these vague assurances and promises as the cycle of violence continued unabated.

He argued that the government would not be able to fulfil its promises in this regard because it lacked any real strategic security plans to protect the citizens and save the country from these terrorists who had grown to disdain the nation’s security forces overtime, saying that the government needed to be serious in its war against terrorism by developing ingenious tactical stratagem to tackle the menace head-on.

“We commiserate with the people of Borno State, particularly our dear people of Gwoza, over this terrible tragedy and pray that God grant them a quick healing process.

“Once again, the Federal Government has come out with empty assurances for the people, boasting that it would fish out and punish perpetrators of the crimes. As always, nothing will come out of these vague assurances and promises as the cycle of violence continues unabated.

“This government lacks any real strategic security plans to protect the citizens and save the country from these terrorists who have grown to disdain our security forces over time. The government needs to be serious in its war against terrorism by developing ingenious tactical strategem to tackle the menace head-on,” Comrade Adebayo stated.



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