This giant, next-generation satellite is now one of the brightest objects in the night sky

/ Justine Calma An image of the BlueWalker 3 satellite.Michael Tzukran Typically, the larger the satellite,…

DPP’s Adaobi Olaye on precarious data privacy situations faced by Nigerians online

Adaobi Olaye, Chairperson, Data Privacy Professionals (DPP), a coalition of the data privacy ecosystem in Nigeria,…

‘The Android of agriculture’: Monarch Tractor CEO Praveen Penmetsa on the future of farming

Monarch Tractor’s Praveen Penmetsa has a grand vision for agriculture, and it includes autonomous electric smart…

‘Integration of AI, data analytics could reshape food industry’

Nadayar Enegesi is an entrepreneur who is passionate about Africa’s youth prosperity and quality of life.…

Why New York and other cities still aren’t prepared for floods

/ Justine Calma A general view of a flooded street in Williamsburg, New York, United States…

Food and Beverage: How far can machine learning and AI go?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has hit the headlines recently, with a great deal of media coverage dedicated…

Cybercriminals launched 7.9m DDoS attacks in first half of 2023, Netscout says

Cybercriminals launched approximately 7.9 million Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in the first half of…

Microsoft is testing low-carbon concrete for its data centers

/ Justine Calma A worker smooths a sample of concrete mix in a canister that contains…

ChatGPT can now search for data on the internet

The generative AI platform ChatGPT can now fetch data directly from the internet and gather up-to-date…

oraimo listed among top 100 most admired brands in Africa

oraimo, Africa’s No. 1 Smart accessories brand, has once again made its mark by being listed…