Charms can’t save you from road crashes – Ogun TRACE tells motorists

The Ogun State Traffic Compliance and Enforcement (TRACE) Corps has warned drivers and commercial motorcyclists to stop relying on charms while on the road.

TRACE spokesman, Babatunde Akinbiyi, stated this in an interview with DAILY POST in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital

According to Akinbiyi, some drivers are usually reckless due to their strong believe in charms they tied around their bodies before leaving their homes.

These individuals, he said, believe they cannot be victims of road crashes or that they would disappear and come out unhurt in the event of any fatal crash.

The traffic agent observed that such drivers drive carelessly without considering the lives of their passengers, and end up wasting their own lives and those of innocent passengers.

He said, “Some of these motorists believe in metaphysical powers, they will tie all charms all around their bodies, thinking they are safe. They use this for their own selfish gains only.

“They will drive against traffic without thinking about their passengers. If anything happens to these passengers, their creators will fight for them because you are the one that led them into danger.

“Moreover, charms don’t work that way. If you don’t use the charm as you are supposed to use it, it will not work for you. You are the one that will be the victim. The best way to avoid road crashes is to obey all traffic rules and regulations.

“Don’t believe too much in metaphysics. I don’t say there is no charm, but how do you use the charm? The person driving against traffic and thinking that he has put all charms around his body, if something happens, does he think he would be safe when he is not on the right way?”

Quoting a nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, Akinbiyi stated that most Nigerian drivers are suffering what is known as Road Accident Immunity Delusion Syndrome (RAIDS).

“That is why Professor Wole Soyinka will always talk about Road Accident Immunity Delusion Syndrome (RAIDS). They (drivers) have the belief that when they use all those charms, they are safe. This is wrong, it is delusional,” he stated.

Akinbiyi called for attitudinal change and behaviour remodification among drivers, especially in the Ember months.