Cleric Urges Tinubu to Confront Terrorists and Insecurity Challenges

Apostle Akinadewo urges President Tinubu to confront terrorists, bandits, and kidnappers directly to ensure Nigerians’ safety
He emphasizes the need for overhauling Nigeria’s security architecture to tackle the alarming resurgence of insecurity effectively

Apostle Gabriel Akinadewo, the leader of Moitaliatu Church of God, has called on President Bola Tinubu to tackle the escalating insecurity in Nigeria by confronting terrorists, bandits, and kidnappers directly.
Addressing attendees at the 60th anniversary of his church in Ondo West, Ondo State, Akinadewo highlighted the urgent need for the president to overhaul the nation’s security architecture in response to the alarming resurgence of insecurity.
“The safety of Nigerians must be assured,” Akinadewo emphasized, noting with concern the abduction and killing of religious leaders during missionary journeys. He urged decisive government action to restructure security operations and maximize intelligence capabilities against criminal elements undermining national stability.
“The ongoing insecurity poses severe economic threats to the country. Once apprehended, these criminals, whether terrorists, bandits, or kidnappers, must face stringent measures to restore peace,” Akinadewo stated firmly.
He expressed disappointment that Nigeria, capable of deploying troops to maintain peace in Sierra Leone, struggles to replicate similar security successes domestically. Akinadewo stressed the importance of robust intelligence gathering to identify and apprehend criminal elements, which is estimated to be between 20,000 and 30,000.

Akinadewo criticized the reliance on spiritual solutions for what he sees as fundamentally political and security challenges, urging the Tinubu administration to prioritize practical actions over sentiment in addressing insecurity.
Regarding economic issues, Akinadewo advised President Tinubu to expand his economic advisory team to include private sector experts. He underscored the critical need for economic stability amidst rising hunger and unemployment nationwide.
