Colours, thrills of Asun Carnival 2024

Expectations were palpable in the air, as the atmosphere draped with pomp, effervescent and suffusing colours as well as excitement and thrills filled the air. The mood was that of carnival and you could feel the excitement and exhilaration written on the faces of the people, as they trickled in their numbers into the stadium to participate in the communal feast that was about to unfold for the day.Prominent people from across the state and country that attended the event included government officials, corporate bodies and royal fathers. The royal guest of the carnival was His Royal Majesty, the Oba of Ondo, Oba Dr. Victor Adesimbo Kiladejo JILO III, the Osemawe Kiladejo 1. He commended Akinboboye, for the annual Asun Carnival, which he said, has become a great unifying factor among the indigenes of Ondo State, Nigerians and Africans at large.


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