Delta: Police DIG warns officers to eschew extortion

The Deputy Inspector General of Police for the South-South geopolitical zone, DIG Daniel Sokari Pedro, warned officers and men of the Delta State Police Command on Wednesday to desist from extortion and the abuse of human rights of citizens.

The DIG issued the warning while addressing officers and men of the command during an interactive session in Asaba, the capital of Delta State. He cautioned them against extortion, abuse of human rights, and, most importantly, urged them to police with a human face.

Pedro further emphasized the importance of knowing when to use firearms in accordance with the extant rules of the force as stipulated in Force Order 237 and Force Order 88.

He commended the Delta State Commissioner of Police, CP Olufemi Abaniwonda, for his efforts in fighting crime and noted that his achievements, within a very short time, are laudable and have made a positive impact in the state.

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Earlier, DIG Pedro had paid a courtesy call on Governor Sheriff Oborevwori, who promised to provide vehicles for the Police. The vehicles will be inaugurated by the Inspector General of Police.

Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) Bright Edafe, in a statement, said the DIG’s visit aimed to boost the morale of officers, enhance police-community relations, and assure residents of the Force’s commitment to ensuring a safer Delta State.

“The DIG, who is the most senior Police officer in the South-South region (supervising DIG South-South) and also the Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of the Department of Information and Communication Technology of the Nigeria Police Force, accompanied by the AIG Zone 5, AIG Arungwa Nwazue Udo, paid a courtesy call on the Governor of Delta State, Sheriff Oborevwori, at the Government House, Asaba, before the commencement of his tour.

“The DIG, in his remarks, noted that the State Government has been of immense help to the Police force in the State and he solicited more support from the State Government and the good people of Delta State.”


Tribune Online