Edo guber: APC candidate, Okpebholo, rolls out five-point agenda

Edo State All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate for the September 21, 2024 governorship election, Senator Monday Okpebholo, has said that his administration would address what he termed the failure of the Governor Godwin Obaseki administration with a five-agenda if voted into power.

Okpebholo, who listed the litany of reasons why it was working to ensure that Governor Obaseki did not produce a successor from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as the next governor of the state at the end of the election, said that the PDP administration in the state had failed in all fronts.

Addressing a press conference at the State Council Secretariat of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in Benin City, on Sunday, the Director of Media, APC Governorship Campaign Council, Prince Kassim Afegbua, said Obaseki failed in virtually every area he promised the people of Edo State, just as he accused the incumbent governor of abandoning all the pro-people projects that were initiated by his predecessor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole.

According to Afegbua, the promised 200,000 jobs were not realised, the same way the promised 18 stadia in the 18 local government areas of the state were not also fulfilled including the promised Gelegele Seaport, Edo North Airport and others.

Afegbua said the APC candidate, Senator Okpebholo would address all the aforementioned failures with a five-point agenda, which he listed to include: Agriculture, Health, Education, Human Capital Development, Environmental Protection and Safety adding that the Security architecture would be overhauled to mitigate the insecurity situation in the state.

“Edo state has been badly run in the last eight years; this does not need to be over-emphasised. The ruins and their relics are ubiquitous. To say the least, it is most disheartening.

“We know that our people are desirous of a new lease of life for our dear state, and we feel happy that the time has now come; we are now on the cusp of happiness and progress again in this state. We the members of the APC, are harbingers of good tidings; our candidate’s success in this race will never bear regret from anyone, covertly or overtly.

“Senator Okpebholo is a man who possesses subliminal humility to engage with all Edo people of all stations of life. He has a deep knowledge of the state in terms of geography and peculiar challenges and predicaments and also possesses quality general knowledge and broad contacts to attract fitting solutions to problems across the state,” Afegbua said.

He said the new minimum wage of N70,00 announced by the state government was not backed up by the number of civil servants in the state, arguing that the state could actually pay more with the number of civil servants, which he noted was not much just as said that much celebrated “EdoBEST is actually Edo Worst”

“Don’t ever forget or be made to forget that Governor Obaseki is quarrelsome and combative. He quarrels with almost everybody; he quarrels with our Monarch, the Great Oba of Benin, and is working tirelessly to undermine the Benin Palace. He quarrelled with his former Deputy Governor, Phillip Shuaibu.

“Be wary of them and save our state. All the failed promises stare us in the face. Sobe Farms failed. 18 stadia promised in 18 local governments failed. Gelegele Port failed. Auchi Airport failed. 200,000 Edo jobs failed. We can go on and on.

“The litany of failed promises and projects is the reason the governor is now called GOVERNOR MoU. While Edo is getting poorer by the day, with a new debt profile of N539B, Governor Obaseki is getting richer by the hour.” Afegbua further asserted.

When contacted to react to the issues the APC canvassed at the press conference,the Deputy Director, Media and Publicity of the Asue/Ogie Campaign Management Council, Rev. Olu Martins, promised to get back to but was yet to do soon at the time filing this report.


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