Eid-el-Kabir: Fulfill your campaign promises, Ajadi urges officeholders

An industrialist and a Chieftain of the New Nigeria People’s Party, (NNPP), Ambassador Olufemi Oguntoyinbo, has used the occasion of this year’s Eid-el Kabir to call on Nigerian political leaders to embrace the principle of sacrifice in the handling the affairs of the country.“Our political leaders should also learn from the sacrifice made by Ibrahim to surrender his only son for sacrifice promised to Allah until Allah saw his clean mind and replaced him with a ram for sacrifice. No sacrifice is too much to ensure peaceful and prosperity of Nigerians.“Political leaders must remember the promises made during the electioneering campaigns and fulfill the promises to the electorate who based on these promises defied rain and hot sunshine to vote them to power.

“Our leaders should fear and respect Almighty God and because of this they should work day and night to ensure the masses are not suffering any untold hardship.”



Tribune Online