Ex-Niger Gov, Babangida Aliyu, jets out to Germany for medical treatment

A former Governor of Niger, Dr Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu has been critically sick and flown abroad for medical treatment.Meanwhile, concerted efforts to speak with his Media aide, Mr. Bala Bitrus were futile as he didn’t pick up his calls when our Correspondent called him for his comments about the health of his Boss.
Also, attempts were made to speak with the Chairman of, the Niger State Chapter of the People’s Democratic Party, Barr. Tanko Beji was unsuccessful.

A visit to his Law chambers on Bosso Road Minna, and next-door neighbor to Murtala amusement Park, Minna, and adjacent to Gwari Motors on Bosso Road Minna on Saturday revealed that he was not in the office, while a Security guard on duty advised that our Correspondent could come back at about 5 pm -5:30 Pm on Sunday to check if his Boss would be in the office to attend to some official matters after which he would relax with some of his friends who usually visited him in his office on  Sunday evenings.

Also, a close aide to the State Governor, who would not want to be quoted in the Prints said that Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago who was still believed to be in Saudi Arabia was said to have flown to Germany, on a sympathy visit to former Governor Muazu Babangida Aliyu in a German Hospital where he was receiving Medical treatment and recuperating, pending his return to the Country after he must have been certified fit to embark on a flight back to Nigeria for several hours very soon or in a foreseeable future.

It added, that the state government may have been responsible for the payment of the former Governor Muazu Babangida Aliyu’s Medical treatment abroad. Following the cordial relationship between the incumbent Governor Umaru Bago and the former Governor, the two political leaders in the state were not from the same political party.



Tribune Online