FATE Foundation announces grant award from Coca-Cola Foundation for Orange Corners Nigeria programme

The Coca-Cola Foundation provided FATE Foundation with a grant award in support of the Orange Corners Nigeria (OCN) Programs. The Orange Corners Nigeria is an Initiative of the Kingdom of The Netherlands launched in Nigeria in 2019 with the support of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Lagos.The Executive Director of FATE Foundation, Adenike Adeyemi said in her introductory speech, “We are excited and pleased to have The Coca-Cola Foundation as our partner in the Orange Corners Nigeria Program. This grant will significantly impact our efforts to empower young Nigerians on their entrepreneurial and professional journeys and also create sustainable economic opportunities for them”.In his remark, Saadia Madsbjerg, President of The Coca-Cola Foundation stated, “We firmly believe in the power of innovation and entrepreneurship to drive meaningful economic growth. Our grant to the Orange Corners Nigeria program is an affirmation of this belief and our commitment to fostering youth entrepreneurship in Nigeria. By investing in the nurturing of young, enterprising minds, we are confident that we are catalyzing a ripple effect of prosperity that will extend far beyond individuals to whole communities and the Nigerian economy at large”.


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