Fathers Are Dying in Silence – Clergyman

Dr. Olatunbosun highlighted that Nigerian fathers often sacrifice and provide for their families without receiving adequate recognition or celebration
He urged the youth to appreciate their fathers’ sacrifices, cautioning that lack of appreciation could lead to future challenges

The Reverend in charge of Ibara Baptist Church, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Dr Timothy Olatunbosun, has voiced concerns that many Nigerian fathers are not receiving the honour and celebration they deserve despite their relentless efforts in providing for and securing their families.
In his sermon titled “Fathers Are Superheroes” delivered on Sunday, which coincided with this year’s Father’s Day celebration, Olatunbosun lamented that fathers often sacrifice for their families, offer unconditional love, provide security, and give wise guidance, yet their contributions go unappreciated.
“They are dying in silence,” Olatunbosun said, highlighting that fathers are often overlooked and not celebrated appropriately. He noted that the current youth are particularly guilty of this lack of appreciation.
“Everything is about their family, and the family still looks at them as if they have not done anything. When a child tells the father, ‘What have you done that nobody else has ever done?’ it shows the lack of appreciation in this generation. Please, this young generation, be careful,” he warned.
Olatunbosun urged the youth to appreciate their fathers’ and guardians’ labour and sacrifices. He cautioned that failing to do so could lead to greater challenges for the youth when they become parents themselves.
He also acknowledged that some fathers have not fulfilled their societal responsibilities. Turning to the congregation, he asked how many youths wanted to be like their fathers, and the silence that followed underscored his point.

“No child will like to emulate a father who is a drunkard or a fraudster,” he said.
Olatunbosun urged fathers to be role models for their children to help build and develop a better Nigeria.
