FG renews commitment to protecting Nigeria’s wildlife

As part of the renewed hope agenda of the Federal Government in the preservation and promotion of the country’s rich natural heritage, the Minister of State for Environment, Dr Iziaq Salako, has inaugurated an Inter-ministerial committee to promote Nigeria’s iconic Wildlife and landscape in all the major airports in the country.

According to the Minister, “Nigeria is home to diverse and unique Wildlife,hence the initiative is intended to safeguard her  biodiversity and boost the country ‘s famed  tourism resources to the benefit of national pride and improved revenue generation for national development”

He thanked the Federal Ministry of Aviation and Wild Africa Fund (WAF),a conservation support organisation for the collaboration and partnership to achieve the goal.

Salako charged the committee to work tirelessly to achieve the task of promoting a beautiful Nigeria through the country’s Wildlife in the airports.

Responding, the chairman of the committee and Conservator General of National Parks Service, Dr Ibrahim Goni appreciated the minister for the vision, especially coming at the time that the country’s rich biodiversity is facing a lot of threats.

He added that the promotion of our National Parks at the country’s airports will, in no small measure, aid Ecotourism development in the country.

In his remark, the West Africa Lead, Wild Fund Africa, Linus Unah, said Nigeria’s acclaimed Wildlife and landscape deserves prominence in the airports as it is the practice in other parts of the world.

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Tribune Online