Flood kills 9, sacks 4000 households in Yobe

Nine people have died and about 5,000 households have been sacked by floods across 30 communities in Yobe State.

Others are Nayi-Nawa, Garbi-Bobori, Sabon-Garin Kanuri, Gwaoyo-Dina, Katuzu, Sabon-Gari, Katuzu, Toshia, Bulanti, Yunusari Town, Garin-Buba, Kukawa, Haru-Gari, Bara, Gabai, Gulani and Yalma.

SEMA noted that local government emergency management committees, alongside LGA teams and community volunteers, have intensified evacuation and profiling while mobilising resources to support victims as directed by the state governor.

The agency, however, called on LGA teams and other stakeholders to intensify sensitization, especially in high-risk areas across the state.


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