Gunmen abduct medical doctor In Kogi

  • It’s gathered that Dr Uwumagbe was last seen on Tuesday after he closed from work and headed home

    One Austin Uwumagbe, a medical doctor, has been abducted by gunmen suspected to be kidnappers in Kogi state.

    Uwumagbe is the Director of Victory Hospital-Annex at Ogaminana in Adavi Local Government Area of the State.

    It’s gathered that Dr Uwumagbe was last seen on Tuesday after he closed from work and headed home.

    The kidnappers have contacted his family for the payment of a huge ransom for him to regain his freedom, a source familiar with the development said.

    Kogi State Chapter of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) also confirmed the abduction of Dr Uwumagbe in a statement issued in Lokoja yesterday.

    A joint statement signed by the state NMA Chairman, Dr Baoku Olusola, and Secretary, Dr Emmanuel Bola Jonah, said their colleague was kidnapped shortly after leaving his hospital on Tuesday.

    “He was said to have been abducted with his car, an ash coloured 406 Peugeot with Registration number DAV 561 AA, at about 8:30pm on Tuesday,” the NMA said in the statement.

    While the NMA condemned the act and demanded for the immediate release of their kidnapped member, the body called on the security agencies to, as a matter of urgency, take action for their member to regain his freedom.

    The Kogi State police command’s spokesman, William Aya, did not respond to a text message and call to that effect