How to administer CPR to pregnant women

You shouldn’t wait to get into this situation before learning about it. Administering CPR to pregnant women requires special considerations due to the unique physiology of pregnancy. Knowing how to perform CPR on pregnant women can make a crucial difference in emergencies.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to administer CPR effectively to pregnant women, along with essential tips for bystanders and caregivers.

1. Assess the Situation

Before starting CPR, ensure the safety of both you and the pregnant woman. Check for responsiveness by tapping the woman’s shoulder and shouting loudly. 

If she is unresponsive and not breathing normally, immediately proceed with CPR.

2. Call for Help

If someone else is present, instruct them to call emergency services (or 911) while you begin CPR. If you’re alone, perform CPR for about two minutes before calling for help.

3. Positioning

Position the pregnant woman on her back on a firm surface. Tilt her head back slightly to open the airway, but be cautious not to overextend the neck. 

If possible, place a small pillow or folded towel under her right hip to tilt her body slightly to the left and prevent compression of the vena cava, which could impede blood flow to the heart.

4. Chest Compressions

Place the heel of one hand on the center of the woman’s chest, between the nipples. 

Place your other hand on top of the first hand. Use your body weight to press down firmly on the chest, compressing it about 2 inches deep. Perform compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute.

5. Modified Rescue Breaths

Instead of traditional rescue breaths, perform modified chest compressions-only CPR. This involves continuous chest compressions without interruptions for rescue breaths. 

The goal is to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation to the woman and her baby.

6. Repeat Cycle

Continue cycles of chest compressions without interruptions until emergency help arrives or the woman shows signs of responsiveness and normal breathing. 

Remember to reassess her condition periodically.

Learning how to perform CPR properly on pregnant women is essential for emergency preparedness. Consider taking a certified CPR course to gain confidence and proficiency in this life-saving skill.


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