I am always tired

I am a 25-year-old civil servant. I noticed that I am always tired. Kindly advise me on what to do.

Steven (by SMS)

Weakness and fatigue are two of the most common nonspecific medical complaints clinicians encounter. And because they are linked to so many different medical conditions, it takes time and care to diagnose and treat them properly. Very often, the key to determining what is the cause of generalized weakness for a patient is finding out what’s not causing the symptoms before diagnosing what is causing them.

Although fatigue and weakness often occur together, they are actually two different symptoms. Generalized weakness refers to a decrease in muscle strength. It may take extra effort to move your arms, legs, or other parts of the body. General weakness associated with exertion usually resolve within a few days. Sudden weakness, weakness that gets progressively worse, or weakness in combination with loss of function should be assessed as soon as possible. As we’ve noted, the list of potential conditions causing generalized weakness is extensive.

They range from common infections to affectations of the Thyroid, Electrolytes imbalances, Anemia, Mood changes and hypoglycemia among others. Sometimes fatigue is a “side effect” of your lifestyle. If you burn the candle at both ends, don’t take time to rest and recharge, or you don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle, you aren’t going to feel your best.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep, exercising often, and consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Don’t smoke and limit your alcohol intake (if you drink.) If you need to lose weight, talk to your healthcare provider and physical therapist about gradually increasing your physical activity and changes you can make to combat fatigue and lower your risk of health problems in the future. But if you have unexplained weakness and fatigue that aren’t subsiding, you should see your healthcare provider.

Over time, chronic weakness and fatigue can take a toll on your physical and emotional health and well-being. It’s important to have a physical exam and lab tests to rule out certain health conditions and determine the root causes of general body weakness and fatigue. Only then can you find the appropriate course of treatment and take steps to feel better.



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