JUST IN: Jigawa dissolves elected local govt councils

The Jigawar State Government has dissolved the elected councils of the 27 local governments in the state following the expiration of their terms on Friday.
The spokesperson of the Ministry for Local Government and Community Development, Najib Umar, announced this in a statement on Friday.
He said the Directors of Administration and General Services (DAGs) have been directed to take over the administration of the local governments immediately.

“Therefore, all appointed officials, including Secretaries, Supervisory Councillors, Special advisers, and assistants of all the Local Government Councils, are equally relieved of their appointments.

“In his remarks, on behalf of the Jigawa State Government Under the leadership of His Excellency, the Governor Malam Umar A. Namadi FCA, the Honourable Commissioner for Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Ahmed Garba MK, Congratulates the outgoing officials on the Successful Conduct of their tenures, which shows the significant contributions rendered to the development of their areas and the state in general.
“He further called on them for immediate handing over of all Governments’ Belongings in their possessions”, Mr Umar said.
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