JUST IN: Reps ask FG to reopen Banex plaza

The House of Representatives has urged the government to reopen the popular Banex Plaza in Abuja shut down by the Nigerian Army after a mob action against some soldiers.
The resolution was a sequel to a motion moved by Whingan Olusesan (APC, Lagos) on Thursday during plenary.
The plaza was closed by the army on Tuesday.

PREMIUM TIMES reported how a mob, believed to be traders at the plaza, on Saturday, assaulted two soldiers allegedly over the sale of a mobile phone.

A viral video on social media showed the assault as the soldiers in uniform tried to flee from their attackers.

In an apparent retaliation, a group of soldiers invaded the plaza where they also assaulted some civilians.
The army spokesperson, Onyema Nwachukwu, had told PREMIUM TIMES that the assault on the soldiers would be investigated.

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This newspaper also reported on Sunday that soldiers blocked the entrance to the plaza, essentially preventing any business from going on in the shops in the plaza.
Mr Olusesan, in the motion, prayed to the House to ask the government to reopen the plaza.
The motion was adopted by the House when it was put to vote by the presiding officer, Deputy Speaker Ben Kalu.

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