Kano Mass Wedding: Intending Couples Test Positive For HIV, Hepatitis B, Pregnancy

Some intending couples in the upcoming mass wedding in Kano State have tested positive for Hepatitis B, HIV, sickle cell and pregnancy.

The spokesperson of Hisbah Board, Lawan Fagge said the persons were found with one or the other health issues at the point of pre-marital test screening they were subjected to as part of the criteria for intending couples to partake in the state-sponsored wedding.

Fagge said the persons have since been replaced in the ongoing exercise but then subjected to counselling and given medications.

According to him, “This is based on the interim report we got from the Ministry of Health.

“There are about 40 male and female with Hepatitis B. There are those with sickle cell, then there are those who are pregnant and those with HIV carriers. But they will be counselled and given medication for the next months. They were rejected from the exercise and there was a replacement. They might be considered if they cope with the counselling and medication.

“We screened about 5,000 out of which we only needed 1,800 couples,” Fagge said.

Recall that the New Nigeria People’s Party, NNPP-led government under Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf has earmarked the sum of N854 million for the conduct of mass weddings for the over 1,800 couples in the state.

Recall also that the mass wedding was first introduced in the state by Senator Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso-led administration.

  • Yusuf Oketola