Key takeaways from the U.S. presidential debate with Biden and Trump

U.S. President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump clashed in the first presidential debate in the 2024 presidential election campaign.

They argued over the fate of American democracy, abortion and the other candidate’s family and legal trials.

Concerns over Biden’s age

Trump’s commitment to democracy

Legal trials and family matters


Biden limits asylum seekers at U.S.-Mexico border

Given that Biden’s voice was raspy and he sometimes seemed unfocused while Trump was more energetic, she believes Biden will lose some undecided voters.

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Thursday’s event was the earliest a televised debate has ever been held in a presidential election.

Brown said it, like other debates, would likely yield short-term bumps in support, but many other events are still to come that could change people’s minds – especially in a year when so many things are happening, like campus protests over the Middle East and elections in France and the United Kingdom.

“I think it becomes so, premature to decide because it seems as though, pretty much every week there is a new catastrophe, that gets blown up into this is going to be decisive in the race. And then two weeks later, it’s almost forgotten or dismissed.”


: World