Labour leader Keir Starmer will face Rishi Sunak in U.K.’s election. Who is he?

Dutiful, managerial, a bit dull – Keir Starmer is no one’s idea of a firebrand politician.

The Labour Party hopes that is just what Britain needs. Starmer, the center-left party’s 61-year-old leader, is current favourite to win the country’s July 4 election.

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But the party has surged in the polls under his leadership, which has helped keep his internal critics onside.

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At the party’s conference in October he showed some passion, telling cheering delegates: “I grew up working class. I’ve been fighting all my life. And I won’t stop now.” He also showed remarkable composure when a protester rushed onstage and showered Starmer with glitter and glue.

Some have likened this election to 1997, when Tony Blair led Labour to a landslide victory after 18 years of Conservative rule.

Tim Bale, professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London, said that while Starmer is not a “particularly inspiring Blair-like figure, (he) nevertheless beats Rishi Sunak on almost every single indicator of what people want from a prime minister.”

“He’s not great,” Bale said. “But he’s good enough.”

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