Leveraging machine learning enhance accuracy in oil, gas extraction — Olusile

Accurate instrumentation is essential for ensuring safe and efficient operations in the oil and gas industry. However, maintaining high levels of accuracy can be challenging due to factors such as environmental conditions, equipment aging, and human error.

Expert Babayeju Olusile believes that machine learning (ML) offers a promising solution to enhance instrumentation accuracy.

By leveraging data-driven insights, ML can improve monitoring and control systems. It can also analyze large volumes of data from various sensors and equipment to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate potential issues.

Babayeju Olusile is a Certified Shell SIFpro Facilitator and a graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He is an active member of the Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE) and a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional. Olusile is a practicing Discipline Plant Engineer with several years of experience in Instrument Engineering and Process Analysis.

According to Babayeju, the self-evolving nature of machine learning models makes it feasible to predict and plan maintenance timelines effectively. “By continuously learning from new data, machine learning models can adapt to changing conditions and improve their accuracy over time. This proactive approach can help prevent equipment failures, minimize downtime, and optimize production processes. Furthermore, machine learning can also help reduce maintenance costs by enabling predictive maintenance strategies,” he said.

Given the dynamic landscape of oil and gas extraction, the importance of precision cannot be overemphasized. Instrumentation accuracy is crucial for ensuring operational efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance in oil and gas exploration processes. Environmental factors, equipment degradation, and human error can significantly impact the output of instrumentation systems, and machine learning models address these barriers.

“In the rugged environments where oil and gas operations thrive, instrumentation systems face an array of adversities. As a subset of artificial intelligence, machine learning empowers computers to discern patterns, anomalies, and correlations within vast datasets. Leveraging advanced algorithms, machine learning transcends the limitations of traditional, rule-based systems,” Babayeju stated.

Based on experimental research, he believes that applying machine learning models to improve accuracy in oil and gas exploration offers many benefits for implementing companies: “ML-enabled instrumentation accuracy has been proven to improve operational efficiency by reducing downtime associated with equipment failures. Predictive maintenance based on ML insights allows for timely interventions, ensuring smooth operations and optimal performance. By reducing unplanned downtime and optimizing maintenance schedules, companies can realize significant cost savings.”

Implementing ML to enhance instrumentation accuracy in oil and gas extraction requires a properly defined strategy to ensure successful integration into already existing workflows.

Babayeju believes ML can be maximized through proper planning: “The goals and objectives of using ML for enhancing instrumentation accuracy must be clearly defined. Specific areas or processes where ML can be applied to improve accuracy and efficiency should be identified. Relevant data from instrumentation sensors and other sources should be gathered. The data should be clean, labeled, and formatted appropriately for ML model training, and relevant features in the data that are most predictive of instrumentation accuracy should be identified.

“We must choose ML algorithms that strike a balance between complexity and performance, and consider simpler models that are easier to interpret and maintain, unless a more complex model is necessary for the task,” he added.

Accurate instrumentation is fundamental for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliability of oil and gas extraction operations. Babayeju believes that ML is a tool to be harnessed, and it will ultimately result in improved outcomes for oil and gas companies.

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“The future of leveraging machine learning to enhance instrumentation accuracy in oil and gas extraction is promising. With the emergence of new technologies and the potential for significant impact on the industry, it is essential for companies to stay ahead by investing in research, data quality, collaboration, regulatory compliance, and infrastructure.

“By doing so, they can maximize the benefits of machine learning and drive innovation in the field of oil and gas extraction.”


Tribune Online