Military Asserts Zero Tolerance for Internal and External Aggression in Nigeria

Gen. Musa reaffirms the military’s commitment to defending Nigeria from internal and external threats, utilizing kinetic and non-kinetic strategies
He urges Nigerians to prioritize peace, unity, and mutual respect while honouring the sacrifices of past and present heroes

The military high command has affirmed that its troops will not tolerate any form of internal or external aggression within Nigeria, emphasizing its unwavering commitment to safeguarding the nation.
In a message marking Eid el-Kabir, Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Christopher Musa reiterated the military’s dedication to employing kinetic and non-kinetic approaches to tackle security challenges across Nigeria and ensure the safety of all citizens.
“The primary mandate of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, as stipulated in the constitution, is to defend the nation from both external and internal threats. This mandate remains our steadfast commitment despite various challenges,” Gen. Musa stated.
He assured Nigerians that the military would maintain its strength and resolve to restore peace and security across Nigeria.
“I urge all Nigerians to embrace peace, unity, and mutual respect. We must honour the sacrifices of our past and present heroes,” he added.

Gen. Musa also expressed gratitude to President Bola Tinubu for his consistent support for the military and pledged to continue steering the Armed Forces toward upholding national pride and security.
“The Armed Forces of Nigeria belongs to all Nigerians, and it is crucial for everyone to continue supporting our efforts to secure the future of our beloved country,” Gen. Musa concluded.
