My bleeding gums

I recently noticed some blood anytime I am brushing my teeth. Kindly let me know what could cause this and what I can do about it.

Chinwe (by SMS)

You may have bleeding gums if you: Have gingivitis, a disease that causes inflammation of the gums, Brush too hard or your toothbrush isn’t soft enough, Just started a flossing routine and your gums aren’t used to it yet, Take certain medications, like blood thinners, Have inflamed gums because you’re pregnant (pregnancy gingivitis), Have dentures that don’t fit well, Have faulty dental restorations. Other conditions that can lead to bleeding gums include; inadequate Vitamin C and K as well as improper gums and brushing techniques. In the quest to keep teeth clean, you might be tempted to brush teeth as vigorously as you can. Gums are made of delicate tissue, though, so brushing the wrong way could damage them. Whether you opt for a manual or electric toothbrush, choose one with soft nylon bristles that have blunted ends. Even though you can find brushes with medium or hard bristles, they may damage the enamel on your teeth or cause red and swollen gums. When you brush, make sure you use gentle, circular motions to massage and clean the teeth and gums. While many people use a back-and-forth motion, this motion can irritate and damage your gums, making them sore and more likely to bleed or recede. Common culprits behind painful gums are canker sores, or mouth ulcers. These painful sores can develop anywhere inside the mouth, including on the gums, and often have a whitish center with red edges. You may have one canker sore at a time, making only one area on your gums sore, or you may have multiple sores at the same time throughout your mouth. While researchers don’t know what causes canker sores, there may be bacterial or viral involvement. People with certain autoimmune diseases may also be more likely to have gum problems caused by canker sores. Canker sores often come back over time and are not contagious. In view of the above, it is very important for you to seek urgent medical attention if you notice that you bleed from your gums.

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