Ogoni people issue ultimatum over deplorable state of East-West road

The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) has issued a strong statement demanding immediate government action to complete the dilapidated Ogoni section of the East-West road.

This call to action comes amid increasing frustration over the federal government’s neglect of the vital infrastructure project, which has left the road in a dangerous state.

The Public Relations Officer for MOSOP, Imeabe Oscar, highlighted the dire condition of the road, describing it as a “nightmare to travelers” and a “death trap” for the Ogoni people.

He emphasized the urgent need for completion, citing recent tragedies, including a devastating fire that destroyed over 100 vehicles and claimed several lives.

Despite these incidents, the government’s response has been one of silence and inaction, which Oscar described as “appalling.”

“When President Bola Tinubu assumed office, we expected he would prioritize the completion of the Ogoni axis of the East-West road,” Oscar said. “However, the reality is starkly different. The federal government has neglected this vital road for too long.”

The statement also revealed that Minister of Works, David Umahi, and the construction firm RCC had a disagreement over financial issues, leading to the firm’s withdrawal from the project site. This has left the road’s condition worsening with no remedy in sight.

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“We have recorded numerous deaths and accidents on this road due to its deplorable state,” Oscar continued. “The federal government’s neglect is a disgrace, and they have failed to compensate the families of those who died or lost their vehicles in the recent fire incident.”

Oscar criticized the government’s apparent focus on resuming oil exploration in Ogoniland while neglecting basic infrastructure improvements.

“Their sudden interest in Ogoniland’s oil contrasts sharply with their disregard for the community’s welfare,” he said. “Resuming operations without first improving road conditions is unacceptable.”

MOSOP has issued an ultimatum to the federal government, demanding that the construction company be returned to the site within one week. If this demand is not met, MOSOP plans to organize protests and block economic activities along the East-West road.

“The welfare of the Ogoni people cannot be overlooked for profit,” Oscar concluded. “It’s time for action. The East-West road deserves immediate attention, not further neglect.”



Tribune Online