Oluwo Confers Chieftaincy Title On Kano Princess

  • Kazeem Badmus

    Oba Akanbi

Speaking during the ceremony held at his palace, the monarch called on traditional leaders in the country to accommodate citizens in their domain irrespective of where they are from.

Oba Adewale said that was the only way to show the diverse nature of Nigeria, urging traditional leaders to shun discrimination.

He appealed to traditional leaders to lead by example, noting that Nigeria is a diverse country.

READ: AGF Advocates Constitutional Role For Traditional Rulers

According to him, “I’m bringing back our heritage and I want us to know that a town is not made up of itself. There are migrants who should be accommodated at all times.

“Today, the culture of the Yorubas is travelling to the north. There are many northerners here and they have witnessed how we do our things here.

“The beauty of this country is our diverse culture and ethnicity and we still come together. We are taking a big step because this is what the foundation of Nigeria is built on.

“Traditional leaders should adopt every citizen that lives in their land has their own. They should not discriminate. When traditional leaders do that in this country, the love will not be lost.

“Everything starts from the traditional leaders. They lead by example to show love to everyone regardless of where they come from and this is what we are doing”.

The monarch had in December 2020, conferred the ‘Otunba of Iwoland’ title on Asmau’s husband, Alhaji Sikiru Atanda.