Photographers shouldn’t be scared of AI but learn to utilise it — Emmanuel Orimolade

Emmanuel Ayodeji Orimolade, better known as Illussionz photography in Nigeria and the United Kingdom, spoke to ROTIMI IGE about his passion for photography and creating a legacy for aspiring photographers. Excerpts

TELL us a bit about yourself and early years growing up…

I am from Ondo State but grew up in Ibadan. I have a B.Sc in Mass Communication and Media Studies from Lead City University, Ibadan and M.A Marketing Communications from Bournemouth University, United Kingdom. With an humble background I come from a small christian family of five. I am the second out of three children. My early education I went to Aries Nursery and Primary school and later attended Eyinni high school.

How did you discover love for photography?

I loved photography right from secondary school but never thought it would become a career path. Everything became clearer during the mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and I asked myself what was next. I hated being idle, so I decided to learn a craft while I waited to finish the service year and look for work. I started learning make-up but I wasn’t feeling fulfilled in it. One day, a photographer came to shoot at the make-up studio and instantly, my love for photography became renewed. I approached the photographer that I would love to learn from him and that was how it all started for me.

You are a celebrity photographer/videographer. Tell us about some of the people you have worked with and the experiences.

I have worked with different categories of people; Politicians, Nollywood actors, international corporate bodies etc. An example, I was the commissioned official photographer by Osun State to document Osun State at 25, I was the commissioned photographer for the Ibadan Countdown Festival editions. I have worked with notable people and brands such as Kiekie, Honourable Yemi Lawal, Kehinde Bankole, Irasa clothings, Justin furniture, London Tailor, Faith Morey, Kshab, Khadijah, Tana AdeLana, TCM brand, Yemi Alade, Toyin Lawani, Ik Ogbona, Mercy Eke, Layefa, Fabulous Pizzy, Micheal Tubes, Chike, Dotman to mention a few

What are the elements of a good photograph?

Light, composition, colour and the story behind the picture.

What challenges have you faced so far in the UK?

The most challenging is lack of assistance or support. While in  Nigeria, I had almost 10 students but out here everybody is busy. No assistant and you are all by yourself. It is mostly just me  and it can get overwhelming at times

Where do you see your industry in the next five years?

The industry is going bigger and more advanced. At the inception of imaging AI, people got scared it would take over photography but so far photography still maintains its stand and with the introduction of AI into photography it makes it better. Honestly, there is no limit to what can be created.

What advice would you have for creatives like you? 

If the applaud, accolades, likes, awards, money are not coming yet, don’t give up, don’t stop . Always be open to learning and relearning new development comes everyday.

How do you relax?

Spending time with family, travelling and mostly I see my editing time as relaxing for me.

You are coming to Nigeria to organise trainings for creatives like you. Why?

Yes, I am actually organising an entrepreneurial seminar for my high school to encourage them into acquiring a skill and also having my first mini art exhibition.

What could you have been if not a celebrity photographer?

A talent manager or public relations expert.

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