Police arrest man for shooting, killing 11yr old girl while testing gun in Delta

The Police in Ozoro Division in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State have arrested a twenty-six (26) year old man, Ogaga Kome for shooting and killing an eleven(11) year old girl, Hosanna Merit.

The suspect who is cooling off at a Police cell is said to be testing a locally made gun he shot and killed the eleven-year-old girl and fled the scene immediately.

A suspect’s relative brought him to the Police station before he was arrested.

The Delta State Police Command led by CP Ari Muhammed Ali confirmed the report in a statement signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe.

He said the Command alerted members of the public on the incident and solicited for information that will aid the arrest of the suspect.”

He noted that “A well-meaning individual who is also a relative of the suspect brought him to the station.”

According to DSP Edafe, “Suspect is in custody and investigation is ongoing.”