Rapper Ice Prince arrested for threatening to throw police officer into a river

Nigerian rapper, Ice Prince whose real name is Panshak Henry Zamani has been arrested by the men of the Nigeria Police Force for assaulting one of its officers.

According to a statement released by the spokesperson of the Lagos State Police Command, Benjamin Hundeyin, the music star abducted and threatened to throw an officer into the river after he was stopped for driving without a license.

Read also: Iceprince parts ways with Chocolate City

“At 3 am today, @Iceprincezamani was stopped for driving without license plates. He agreed to be taken to the station. He, thereafter, abducted the police officer in his car, assaulted him and threatened to throw him in the river. He has been arrested and would be arraigned today,” he tweeted.

The police spokesperson also released a photo of the music star.

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