Reps in closed-door session over extension of 2023 supplementary budget

Lawmakers in the House of Representatives are currently holding a closed door session over the possibility of extending the capital aspect of the 2023 Appropriation Act and the Supplementary Appropriation Act.
This was after a rowdy session during the debate of the bill to extend the validity of the 2023 Supplementary Appropriation Act on the floor of the house on Thursday.

Speaker Abbas Tajudeen read a letter from President Bola Tinubu requesting that the implementation of the Capital aspect of the 2023 appropriation and supplementary Acts be extended from 30 June 2024 to December 31.Shortly before the expiry date, the president made another request for the extension of the two budgets until June 30 2024, which the lawmakers gave speedy passage.

To attend to the president’s request, the lawmakers cut short their Sallah holiday to convene in Abuja to beat the June 30 expiration date.“We understand the implications from the letter we receive, it is mainly on capital projects and we cannot ask that capital projects should be abandoned. We cannot deny our country the benefits of capital projects. In principle, we might not oppose it but in terms of procedure, I feel a little bit worried. A situation where we have three budgets running concurrently is not good. This will even mean four budgets running simultaneously.

READ ALSO: FG investigating unauthorised websites sale of NIN slips — Tijani“We are aware that the supplementary budget of 2023 is largely security-related and it is the intention of Mr. President to secure Nigerians. I want us to please urge our members to support this to enhance the security of our country”, the speaker pleaded.

Supporting the minority leader, a member representing Doguwa/Tudunwada Federal Constituency, Kano State, Alhassan Doguwa, said the move by the house to extend the validity of the 2023 supplementary budget was legal, it has never happened in the history of the National Assembly.
He said: “Whatever we are doing must be accountable to the people. Each and every member here is representing a community and when we are discussion matter of budget, we should call a spade a spade. I agree with the submission made by the minority leader. This has nothing to do with the APC. It has never happened. When you have something coming unexpected like this, then we should expect that people will ask questions whether overtly or covertly.

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