US allies fear a new Trump presidency may be one step closer after Biden ‘implodes’ at CNN debate

One former Japanese diplomat said: ‘Mr Trump didn’t win but Mr Biden might have imploded’ (Reuters)

“Unlike eight years ago, we are much more prepared, as are other European and Asian allies. Still, Mr Trump is unpredictable.”

During his presidency, Trump took an aggressive stance on economic competition from Asia, starting a heated tariff war with China.

Thursday night’s spectacle left the likes of Stephen Lee, chief economist at Meritz Securities in Seoul, South Korea, anticipating a revival.

“Trump, like a trade war maniac, might not just target China but impose tariffs against other countries as well under the concept of American exceptionalism,” he said.

In Australia, Professor Peter Dean of the United States Studies Centre in Sydney concluded: “The overwhelming feeling from today is that it was a disaster for Biden.

“The mood has changed considerably after the debate and the general view is that if you weren’t preparing for a Trump 2.0 then that is the smart play and the smart move now.”