Youngi Duu’s disrespectful gesture to me earned him beating — Portable

The recent incident involving an alleged physical assault on the emerging music artist Youngi Duu by his former label boss, Portable, has sparked widespread outrage, prompting Portable to share his side of the story.

In a video circulating online, Youngi Duu was seen engaged in a physical altercation with Portable and individuals reportedly loyal to him.

Shortly thereafter, Youngi Duu took to Instagram in a live video to voice his grievances against Portable, citing unfair treatment, bullying, and assault he claimed to have endured.

According to Youngi Duu, Portable had been maligning him and discouraging others from supporting him, leading him to confront Portable in a public setting.

In response, Portable, in a subsequent video, did not deny attacking his former protégé. He asserted that he reacted because Youngi Duu extended his hand in greeting, a gesture Portable found to be disrespectful.

Portable recounted slamming Youngi Duu’s hand and emphasized that he was not on the same level, urging him not to attempt such familiarity in the future.

The conflicting narratives surrounding the incident have ignited discussions on social media, with fans and observers expressing varied opinions on the matter.

The clash between Youngi Duu and Portable highlights the challenges and tensions that can arise within the music industry, shedding light on the complexities of artist-label relationships and the power dynamics at play.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how both parties will navigate the aftermath of this publicised altercation and whether there will be any legal or industry repercussions.



Tribune Online